Shop 2024 CSF Seafood Shares

SPC Sockeye Salmon: Add On

SPC Sockeye Salmon: Add On

Add on items are exclusively for our CSF members only! These products are optional additional "add on" items that will be delivered in your next upcoming CSF delivery. So, if you find yourself craving a specific seafood, or if you need a little more fish for an upcoming event, considering buying an add on or two! You'll save on shipping since it's sent with the regular CSF monthly shares. 


Delicious, wild, sustainable Alaska sockeye salmon portions from Sitka's Seafood Producers Coop (approximately 0.7lb portions). Sockeye salmon is a high-oil content species of salmon known for its rich flavor and distinctive deep red flesh, which retains its color throughout cooking.

Alaskans Own

Regular price $18.00 Sale